Our artists spin chart displays how many times songs have been played.
It shows the top ten and top 20 artist charts.
Artists can also search for an artist name or song title and get a list of known songs and spins.
You can also 'Timehop' back to one year ago and see what our charts were showing then.
You can also select how many results you would like to view.
The top 10 and top 20 pages are used most commonly but you may select your preferences.
The Top 20 page is the default selection when visiting the website.
If an artists songs have been uploaded to our
Music Sales website, you will also have an option to purchase the music, this will be indicated by a green shopping cart in the song spin details.
This page refreshes it's content automatically so that you don't need to refresh the page to update the content.
Visit our Artist Spin Chart at