BlastFM Limited User Forums

  • You will be asked for the following information.

    • Artist Name
    • Song Title
    • Genre
    • Year of release
    • Album Name
    • Track Number : Album Number
    • ISRC Code
    • Artwork File
    • MP3 File

    The Artist Name is the name of the artist or artists that created and performed on this particular piece of music. Example: Elton John

    The Song Title is the name of the song. Example: Earth Song

    The Genre is the musical genre of this piece of music. It might have more than one genre in which case they should be separated with commas. Example: Pop, Rock

    The Year Of Release is the year in which this piece of music was released. We only need to know the year of the release not the specific date. Example:1976

    The Album name is the name of the music album that this piece of music belongs to if any. Some songs are released as a single that is not part of an album and so this field is not required and can be left blank if needed.

    The Track Number and Album Number represent which song this is in a album of music tracks. If this piece of music is a single release, the track number and album number will both be set to 1, meaning that this song is track one on an album of one song. The song might also be track 7 on an album of 11 tracks as well so please set these as required.

    The ISRC Code field represents the ISRC code that belongs to this individual piece of music. If you don't have an ISRC code for your music you can leave this field black but you should strongly consider purchasing an ISRC code so that each piece of music has a unique identifier which will help a lot when it comes to royalty payments because the royalty agency will know who to pay the royalties to.

    The Artwrok File is the file name of the artowrk that belongs to this piece of music. This is important as music players will display this image when playing the music in a lot of cases. The image should be square, ie. the width and height of the image are equal and ideally the image should be sized at 580px by 580px as those are the dimensions that we use for our Music Art Api which will display the image on any of our music players that play your music. We will also upload this image to the BlastFM Music Art website for use by our players.

    The MP3 file is the file name of the MP3 which you wish to upload. Although we are going to rewrite all of the MP3 meta data according to your submission choices we are not going to alter the music iteself and so it is your responsibility to make sure that it is a good quality recording.


Moderator(s): AdRankOne, BlastFM Administrator